Welcome to the first post of the Toverberg Indaba Archives. We are starting with the First Edition of the Indaba which was written in July 1990.
You can click on the button below to download a scanned PDF version of the original newspaper or keep scrolling to read it on the web version of the original newspaper with high-quality scans of the photos included. Remember we have Google Translate on our website so you can read articles in the language of your choice.
July 1990 Edition 1 Web Version
Kommer oor die Steengroef
Link on any of the links below to go directly to the page you want. Under each link, you will see the list of titles for each article on the page.
Page 1
- Frontpage article kommer oor die Steengroef
- Colesberg for Special conservation area.
- Events in Colesberg and nearby towns, as well as leads from national and provincial levels, are focusing attention on local government. Changes towards some form of simple government system are expected to be developed
- A substantial area in Colesberg is expected to be highlighted as a possible special area for historical conservation of old buildings during the next half of this year
- Ulwakhio lweziko lemfundo ephakamileyo Umso
- Hoofregter besoek Colesberg
- Karate Tour
Page 3
- Local teacher’s salary delays
- Petition calls for remedies
- Die Lewe is ‘n lied
- Aftree huise word beplan
Page 4
- The Law/DieWet/Unthetho
Page 5
- Top Merino ram gekies
Page 6
- Stadsraad wag vir leiding
- SDR bespreek prioriteite en soek fondse
- Top 15 Videos
- Skool word mondig
- Invitation to Kuyasa tour
- Booster for TV 2/4 plans
- Skills for Local talent
Page 7
- Toverberg View
- Bewaring van ons erfenis
Page 8
- Museum to get curator
- Frontier research on bushmen
- Biblioteekweek
- Debatskompetisie vir skoliere
- Young Pianist hits high note
Page 9
- Rotstekeninge word gesoek
- Residents identify projects
- Time runs out for drought relief
- Veranderinge in landbouarbeid
- ‘n katolieke Vrouebond is onlangs in Colesberg gestig.
Page 10
- Nuus uit die stadsraad
- New Political Activity
- Minder Pad Geld
Page 11
- First Local Advertiser
- Umnyazi Omtsha
- Teleurstelling oor rugby-dag
- Karoo Club
- Twis oor Rugbyveld
- Skool Sport Prestasies
- Ontwikkeling in dorp
Page 12
- Toyi-Toyi…?
- Marathonatlete
- Golfspelers Wen
- Endurance Team
Klip word by die steengroef los geskiet en dan gemaal tot gruis van verskillende groottes. Baie inwoners beweer dat die ontploffings hulle huise laat kraak. Hierdie krake kom voor in die hele dorp, van die suide in De Jagerstraat tot Stockenstroomstraat in die noorde. Almal se dat die krake in
die afgelope paar maande, sedert die skietery begin het, verskyn het. ‘n Verdere probleem is vensterruite wat gebreek het met die aanvanklike ontploffings. Die het net voorgekom by huise wat relatief naby aan die steengroef is
Volgens mnr G Kilroe, areabestuurder van die maatskappy ”Blasting and Excavating”, is die gebreekte vensterruite wel die gevolg van hulle bedrywighede. Aanvanklik is ‘n tipe lont gebruik wat ‘n lugslag veroorsaak. Daar word nou van ‘n nie elektriese geraasloos sisteem gebruik gemaak om te skiet, wat die probleem uitskakel.
Tegniese deskundiges van AECI het die ontploffings gemonitor nadat die stadsraad by die maatskappy beswaar gemaak het. Mnr Kilroe sê dat die vibrasie gemeet word in terme van topdeeltjiespoed (peak particle velocity). Die toelaatbare spoed is 25 mm per sekonde. Hulle instrumente het 200 m van die ontploffing 6,5 per sekonde gemeet, en op 500 m geen vibrasie geregistreer nie. Mnr K Immelman van Multiplex, sê egter dat Santam ‘n verdere ondersoek
gelas het. Die maatskappy het reeds vier eise vir krake ontvang ‘n Verdere probleem is die westewind wat stof van die steengroef oor die randjie direk in Stockenstroomstraat afwaai. Aan die bopunt is mev Ria van Niekerk se tuin soms so toe onder stof dat die bome deinserig van die huis af voorkom. Verder af in die straat word mnr Ben benadeel.
Mnr Esterhuyzen van Prima Quarries se dat hulle graag wil help, maar dat praktiese oorwegings dit soms moeilik maak. Water kan nie op die vervoerbande, waar heelwat stof gegenereer word, gespuit word nie. In die steengroef self kan wel water gespuit word, maar daar is min water.
beskikbaar omdat die boorgat daar naby relatief swak is. ‘n Verdere komplikasie is dat klippe in verskillende tipes gebreek word. Op sommiges mag daar nie water gespuit word nie, omdat die stof dan daaraan vassit. Die tipe gruis word dan afgekeur.
Wat die geraasfaktor laat saans betref, verduidelik hy dat die maatskappy ‘n kontrak het om teen Augustus klaar te wees. Op die stadium is hulle nie op skedule nie, en sou hulle graag elke aand tot tien-uur wil werk. Die stadsraad het hulle egter versoek om nie later as nege-uur saans te werk nie. Die moontlikheid bestaan
dat hulle R5 000 boete moet betaal vir elke dag wat hulle laat is.
Colesberg for special conservation area
A substantial area in Colesberg is expected to be highlighted as a possible special area for historical conservation of old buildings during the next half of this year.
A great deal of groundwork has
already been done. A team from the
University of the Witwatersrand some years back did a special survey of historically valuable buildings. Very recently this work has been updated in another survey expected to be complete
in “the not too distant future” according to researchers.
They plan a special report for the
town council which then is expected to work on guidelines for development.
Researchers speculated that a conference on the developments could materialize later this year.
Ulwakhiwo Iwe Sekondari e Kuyasa
kwidolophu yase Colesberg esele kulithuba ilindelwe, luzakuqalisa ungaphelanga lo nyaka.
Oku kuye kwabhengezwa lisebe lemfundo noqeqesho xa beliphendula uxwebhu lwezikhalazo lo mngcelele obe usenziwa ngabahlali base Colesberg kutsha nje.
Esi sikolo sitsha ‘Umso”’siye
sahlengahlengiswa saba sisikolo esikhulu esinikeza ngothotho lwezifundo” litshilo isebe lemfundo.
Ntlandlolo esi sikolo besisekwe ngendlela yokuba ibe sisikolo nje esiqhelekileyo esinikeza ngezifundo zengqondo. Eli sebe lefundo lithe “luthabathekile kakhulu yimfuneko yamagumbi okusetyenziswa abucala e sekondari njengoko la magumbi bawasebenzisayo efuneka ngokungxamisekileyo ukusetyenziswa siskolo
samabanga aphantsi”
Die hoofregter van Suid-Afrika, Hoofregter M Corbett, is een van die uitgelese gaste wat hierdie maand ‘n regskonferensie in Colesberg sal bywoon.
”Plattelandse Reg”, is deur die Karoo Regshulpkliniek aangekondig. Plaaslike inwoners sal na die geleentheid, wat in die stadsaal sal plaasvind, uitgenooi word. Almal wat belangstel om dit by te woon, maar nie uitgenooi is nie, kan die regshulpkliniek kontak.
Die Ashihara Karateklub is besig met reëlings om leerlinge na Kaapstad te neem vir ‘n groot saamtrek” van Karateka’s en vir gradering van swart gordels. Mnr James Colby, bekwaamde Karatikus,sal die toergroep vergesel en gaan ook deelneem in die saamtrek
Events in Colesberg and nearby towns, as well as leads from national and provincial levels, are focusing attention on local government. Changes towards some form of simple government system are expected to be developed
Colesberg town council delegates to the recent Cape Municipal Congress approved of the overwhelming vote for single municipal goverment. The local Kuyasa council says it is also in favour. The Lowryville Management Committee recently resigned, was persuaded to reform, and is once again considering resignation – registering great dissatisfaction with the present set-up. In almost every nearby town recently there have been a series of marches and petitions, or attempts, all of which have focussed on local conditions and
systems which petitioners say are unacceptable. The Colesberg march and petition was sharply critical of many local administration conditions. It also criticised the Kuyasa town council: ”we reject totally the very exisitence of this committee as being, inter- alia, non – democratic, non-representative
of our people, and a puppet…
Colesberg municipal delegates to the historic Cape Municipal Congress, were the Mayor, Mrs Stephanie van der Berg and Deputy Mayor Mr George Heunis. They saw the single municipality call as ‘ ‘n praktiese bewys dat dit nie net op sentrale regeringsvlak is dat ‘n billiker bedeling van al SA se mense gestreef word nie”. They reported that President F.W. de Klerk, opening the Congress,” het juis daarop gewys dat daar ‘n onontkombare behoefte vir ‘n nuwe stelsel of stelsels in plaaslike regering in Suid -Afrika bestaan”. ”Mnr Kobus Meiring, die Administrateur van Kaapland, het ook ‘n duidelike boodskap gegee dat geen geldelike hulp verleen sal word vir ontwikkelin g waar enige rasse diskriminasie teenwoordig is nie”. Mrs van der Berg and Mr Heunis added that there was, ”n sware verantwoordelikheid om nie net die belang van sekere seksies van inwoners in ag te neem en te bevorder nie’. The mayor of Kuyasa town committee, Mr S.F. Makanyana, said, ”a single municipality for all Colesberg people is our aim too”.
Ons hoop om binnekort ‘n permanente adres te he. Hierdie loodsuitgawe word gepubliseer deur ‘n verteenwoordigende
deursnee van die dorp, en is begin na besprekings met so ‘n wye spektrum as wat aanvanklik moontlik was. Met u hulp beplan
ons ultbreidings, ledegeld en ‘n algemene vergadering.
Concern among teachers and headmasters of schools in Kuyasa, Colesberg, about non-payments of
salaries have continued for almost six
months of this school year.
A substantial number of teachers
were not paid for a number of months.
It is still unclear as to whether all
teachers have in fact received their
The non-payments, or late payments, affected both white and black teachers at some of the schools.
This was confirmed from a number
of school sources, including two of the
headmasters of schools in the area.
Names of the teachers concerned could
not be published.
Late salaries had apparently reached some of the teachers eventually; and others had not yet received salaries and certain special allowances due, since the start of the year.
A headmaster of one of the schools said the delay in the payment had not yet been traced but was “somewhere between Kimberley and Pretoria”.
The non- payments have been one reason for simmering discontent at some of the schools this year. There has also been at least one “chalk down” refusal to teach, as well as one special teacher delegation to departmental offices.
Late payments and non-payments have been a continuing issue of great dissatisfaction and disruption in both “black education” and “coloured education”.
Only one official response to date, to some 15 petition points, has been received by the petition-march organisers of Colesberg.
The single reply announced the start of building of the new high school in Kuyasa this year. Mr Barry Vermeulen, Colesberg Magistrate, explained that the five-page petition memorandum had been sent for attention to a variety of authorities.
The memorandum states that, once replies have been received, the intention is to have negotiations to try to reach “a fair and appropriate settlement” to issues.
The residents-memorandum began with requests about the admission of people to the local law courts and a request for a Legal Aid office from the Department of Justice.
Rent-arrears should be “discussed urgently”. Attention was asked for improvements to roads, electricity supply, a ”proper sewer system”, telephone services sports recreational facilities, “a proper welfare service that operates openly freely and impartially to all races”, housing matters, medical facilities and treatment, ‘police harassment”, schooling, and care of the mentally and physically handicapped.
Die lewe is ‘n lied soos gewoonlik. Effens vals ook, soos gewoonlik. Ek en Kobie gluur mekaar aan met groot gebaar. Die baba skree. Ragel, die hond, le en bibber (so verbeel ek my) in haar koue hoekie in die yskas van ‘n kombuis
Dis die enigste plek in die huis waar
sy wettig mag kom. Kobie se honde en
babas hoort nie saam nie. Hy het hierdie grusame artikel oor wurms wat vanaf honde binne-in mense
beland,gelees. (Mense is so onverantwoordelik met wat hulle lees.) Die hond is toe ons oudste, aangenome bruin dogtertjie. Kobie is egter ‘n
chauvinis: vandat hy·sy eie klein wit dogtertjie het, kom die bruinetjie tweede. Die gevolg is dat Rageltjie my huiwering uitbuit. As Kobie sê:” Kombuis toe”, hardloop sy om die huis agterdeur toe. As ek sê ”Kombuis toe”, hol sy skaats-skaats om die hoek in die gang af soontoe. As ons op die stoep sit en tee drink, beweeg Ragel nie as Kobie haar uitjaag nie – in elk geval nie voor ek dit bevestig met ‘n
dreigende PW -voorvinger nie. Praat van Verdeeldheid.. Kobie se ek moet hom ondersteun, hy is die hoof van die huis. Hy se as ek hom nou al so met die hond ondergrawe, wat gaan van ons kinderopvoeding word? Ek weet hy is reg in die verband. Ma’s en pa’s moenie verskil oor die kinders se opvoeding en tug nie, veral nie voor hulle nie. Maar pa’s is darem maar hard partykeer… Later gaan ek kombuis toe. (Nadat ek eers ‘n jas en stewels aangetrek het.) Rageltjie le knus in ‘n hoekie op ‘n gevlegte matjie wat Kobie van die voordeur af ingedra het. En die verwarmer is aan. deur Susann
‘n Belangrike stap in die voorsiening van aftree-oorde is in Colesberg geneem. Die Rooikruisvereniging het besonderhede oor agt aftreehuise langs die Rooikruishuis bekend gemaak.
Die voorgestelde huise is twee slaapkamer-eenhede wat wissel van 69 tot 91 vierkante meter. Die huidige koste word beraam tussen R55 900 tot R71 500 per eenheid.
We hope soon to have a permanent address. This pilot edition is published by a representative cross-section of the town
and has been initiated after a discussion with as wide a spectrum of inhabitants as initially possible. With your support, we plan
expansions, member subscriptions, and an annual general meeting.
In most places there is a LAW COURT. In small towns like Colesberg there is a MAGISTRATE’S COURT. This court deals with local problems, and the official in charge is called a MAGISTRATE. In cities like Bloemfontein there is a SUPREME COURT, which deals with more important legal matters, and the official in charge is called a ‘JUDGE.
Magistrates and judges are appointed by the goverment but in their jobs they have to be impartial, and not just take the government’s side. They have to listen to everybody’s story, and then decide which story is correct. Other people work at a law court. The INTERPRETER’S work is to translate English or Afrikaans into one of the African languages like Xhosa or Sotho. His role is very important because everyone is entitled to speak in his or her language. The PROSECUTOR is the
official who speaks for the police or the state in certain matters. An Attorney is sometimes used to speak for people involved in a court case – this happens usually when people do not want to speak for themselves, and when they can afford to pay money to hire the attorney. An ADVOCATE does the same kind of work as an Attorney in Supreme Court, but occasionally also appears instead of an attorney in a Magistrate’s court.
By Karoo Law Clinic
Dynamite, die ram geteel deur Andries Pienaar, Dieprivier Plaas, Hanover, is gekies as die Grootrivier Merino Ram Van Die Jaar.
Die wenner-ram, wat ook die huidige SA Medium Kort Wol kampioen is, is gedurende die twee velddae van die Grootrivier Merino Klub gekies. Dynamite sal in September 2jaar oud wees- hy weeg nou 330pd., het ‘n wol mikron van 20,2 (op 12 maande) en ‘n
skoon opbrengs van 75%. Die ram is huidiglik die SA Medium Kort Wol kampioen, en sal by die Bloemfonteinse Augustus veiling wees
Dynamite se pa was Barloo 74, ingevoer uit Australie. Boere van ver en wyd het by die velddae ingeval, met besoeke aan nege stoeterye in die omgewing van Colesberg.
Die stoeterye is:
FP Geldenhuis en Seuns (De Dam);
- Vida Merino Stoet (Groenfontein)
- Kruger (Rietfonteinpoort)
- Andries Pienaar (Klipplaatsfontein)
- A du T Pienaar (Dieprivier)
- Efpeno (Skuilhoek)
- Geldenbuys(Vleiplaas)
- ML Viljoen (Al Te Ver) \
- PW van Rooyen (Oorlogspoort).
Veranderinge In Colesberg as gevolg
van dle regering se plan om die Wet op
Afsonderllke Geriewe af te skaf, sal
binnekort deur dle dorp se stadsraad
bespreek word. Ditsal plaasvind sodra
besonderhede ontvang is.
Hierdie stap is bevestig deur die burgemeester van Colesberg, mev. Stephanie van der Berg. Sy sê besonderhede oor die regering se
planne en infassering is nog nie ontvang nie.
Die regering beplan die afskaffing van apartheid in openbane geriewe
vanaf 15 Oktober hierdie jaar. Die geriewe sluit oorde, karavaanparke,
swembaddens, parke en tuine, stadsale
en biblioteke in. Die beoogde wet vir die afskaffing
van afsonderlike geriewe het ook ten doel om segregasie in gelisensieerde
restaurante, koffiekamers en vermaaklikheidsplekke wat tans permitte
benodig, afte skaf. Volgens mnr. Hernus Kriel (Minister
van Beplanning en Provinsiale Sake)
al plaaslike owerhedein staat wees om
nie-diskriminerende norme en standaarde te handhaaf deur middel van
bestaande ordonnansies en wette.
Lowreyville Primere Skool het onlangs sy mondigwording luisteryk gevier, volgens ons verslaggewer.
Klasonderwysers het vroer die
week groot potte kos vir hulle klasse vir
‘n smulsessie gekook, terwyl die ouers
ook almal een aand getrakteer is.
Saterdagmdre het swierwaens deur die
strate gery met ‘n Mej. Lowreyville en
haar prinsesse. Tamboernooientjies in
blou en wit (die skool se kleure) bet
vooruit gemarsjeer. Nadat die eregaste
deur ‘n erewag ontvang is, is pragvertonings aangebied. ‘n Groot massavertoning deur 150 seuns was indrukwekkend. Toeskouers bet na hulle asems
gesnak toe kinders blokke hout met
hulle hande stulckend geslaan bet in ‘n
karatevertoning. Die meisies het
volksdanse gedoen op die maat van
tradisionele musiek, geklee in outydse
Die fees is Sondagmore afgesluit met ‘n
esamentlike diens van al die kerke in
die gemeenskapsaal. Die orkes wat
musiek vir die samesang verskaf bet,
was ‘n hoogtepunt
Dle Bo-Karoo Streekdiensteraad Is
tans besig om prioriteite van die
behoeftes van die streek te stel.
Mev Stephanie van der Berg, van
Colesberg en van die Oostelike
Geografiese komitee van die raad, het
gese dat ‘die behoeftes van elke gemeenskap in elke dorp van die streek” is reeds bespreek en op ‘n prioriteitslys geplaas.
“Die raad oorweeg om hierdie eerste
jaar aan elke gemeenskap ‘n deel van
die heffingsinkomste te laat kry om te
gebruik vir opheffingswerk in die verskillende gemeenskappe,” het sy sê.
Unemployment is (once again) in the national news. Here, locally, among the few attempts to lesson the burdens, is a skills training scheme for possible employment of up to 100 ladies this
Mrs Nola Dell, assisted by Mrs
Gizette Meyer, is showing local
unemployed women the basic skills of
knitting, sewing and spinning during a
series of three-week courses.
The courses, backed by the Department of Manpower, provide income for the learners while they are learning.
At the end of each course, the ladies
have their complete articles, and skills
to continue or seek employment
A special invitation to the Toverberg
Indaba to tour the Kuyasa area has
been made by the mayor Mr SF Makanyana for an insight into conditions, problems and possible developments.
A number of schemes for Kuyasa
have been suggested and in some cases
initially planned. However financial
constraints and lack of basic services are
major problems for most of the
schemes, according to officials.
These schemes. include potential
toilet facilities and systems, development of sports fields, the establishment of a
large new high school, improvements
to water facilities, sewerage and
lighting, attention to telephone services, and libraries.
Officials are cautious about the
schemes because of the problem of
”expectations not being met,”
especially in the current financially stringent conditions. Some of the schemes
involve negotiations with other local
authorities, or agencies. In many cases
it is simply not clear whether money
can be obtained, officials say
Fifteen of the SA Top 20 video rentals are currently available to local people in Colesberg.
- Skin Deep
- Two Moon
- Junction
- Her Alibi
- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
- Karate Kid 111
- See no evil, Hear no evil
- Bloodfirst
- TheBear
- Major League
- Cyborg
- Gleaming the Cube
- Twins
- Mac and Me
- Working Girl
- Lambada
Among the other popular films in
the country are; Licence to Kill and
Dead Poets Society. Films expected
soon are; The Rescue of Jessica Mc
Clive (a True story), River of Death
(concentration camp victims),K 9
(comedy with a cop and a dog) and
Kickboxer (world kickboxing cham
Watching a Colesberg player on television 2 or 4 in the world cup is not an impossible future dream.
The TV 2 and 4 fate seems to hinge on the likelyhood of a licence being obtained from the SABC in the near future. ”Die Streeksdiensteraad van BoKaroo het reeds verlof van die regering gekry om TV 2/4 dienste aan die hele streek beskikbaar te stel,” se Mev Stephanie van der Berg Colesberg Burgemeester. ”Sodra die lisensie-uitgereik is, sal die eerste herleistasie naby Philipstown opgerig word,” het sy gesê
Up here on my kopjie I overlook the whole town of Colesberg (that jewel set in an ironstone sea). It is peaceful here – the birds are unafraid – a lizard does press-ups on the rock at my elbow. This lizard is in pretty good shape; I have heard that the Colesberg rugby XV (or is it 122) is on the lookout for players and wondered if I should offer his services.
My gossiphone tells me there is much
consternation in the town. Was it a
stampede of Democrats perhaps
rushing off to join the National Party?
(or the other way round?) Or a new
kind of explosion from across the NI
especially devised to ventilate the
houses and wake the sleepy citizens? ‘
At the end of a month things are
more predictable. A bevy of bakkies
and benzes as white farmers crowd in
to meet tax deadlines and swop stories
at the co-op; a tramp of dismissed
workers off to the law clinic; another
resignation of the Lowryville management committee…
One morning there was a cloud of
dust in the direction of Kuyasa.
Somebody suggested that a street was
being tarred, but, being a realist, I
quickly put them straight. A cascade of
people were coming up the street,
clergy and men and matrons, all singing and dancing. A few white residents came to join me on my kopjie, looking not a little relieved to be up here in the
fresh air; most of the residents, they
told me, were in their homes peeping from behind drawn curtains – except of course for a handful of astute businessmen waving encouragement to
the crowd. What is Kuyasa? asked a nice white
lady. A place, I replied, where people dream of taps and gardens, trees and telephones. Rather that than
nightmares of taxmen and security gates, she said. With which I could only agree; well, sort of.
By Ysterkop
Colesbergers voel tuis op Colesberg. Dis lekker na ‘n vakansie om die bekendheid van die die dorp te ervaar. Colesberg se uniekheid is die nalatenskap van inwoners wat die voorafgaande omtrent 160 jaar hier gewoon en gewerk het.
Ons is gelukkig genoeg om nog hul handewerk tot ons beskikking te he. Dit is duidelik dat ons voorgangers met grootsorg ‘n tuiste geskep het. ‘n Dorp is uitgele, kerke is gebou, waterslote is getem, geboue het verrys. Aanvanklik was dit verskeie bouwerke, maar altyd was daar besondere aandag aan vakmanskap en fynere detail bestee. ‘n Unieke boustyl het ontwikkel wat vandag as die Colesberg boustyl bekened staan. Ons is egter gewoond aan ons omgewing en sien nie altyd dit wat daarin opgesluit lê raak nie. Die pragtige Kaap-Hollandse geboue van die boland was 30 jaar gelede was oorweegend nog murasies. Ontwikkeling het talle geeis, baie is egter gered- weer nuut en funksioneel gemaak. Die gewone burger wat vroeër onverskilling gestaan het, beskou daardie geboue, brue, waterslote ens. as sy erfenis en sal sterk standpunt inneem as onverskilling daarnee gehandel word.
Behalwe vir estetiese en kultuur historiese redes wat voorgehou kan
word, is die dorp se voorkoms ook van ekonomiese waarde omdat dit uiteindelik groat toeristepotensiaal inhou.
Ons moet met nuwe oe na ons geboue en antler strukture kyk. Selfs die nederigste struktuur is met moeite opgerig en verdien ‘n plek. Uiteindelik sal alles bydra tot die finale geheelbeeld. Daar moet daarop gewys word dat bewaring nie beteken dat vooruitgang gestrem moet word nie. Die teendeel is eerder waar. Met goeie beplanning kan belangrike strukture deel vorm van ‘n nuwe funksionele eenheid op ‘n gegewe
deur Riaan de Jongh
Sinethemba lokuba nedilesiyesigxina msinya. Olu shicilelo lungu vulindlela lupapashwe ngabameli bedolophu le ngokubanzi, yaye lusungulwe emva kwe ngxoxo ephangaleleyo. Ngenkxaso yakho sinenjongo yokwandisa abaxhasi bephepha
nentlanganiso jikelele yonyaka.
The general rennovation and re – arrangement of the Colesberg Museum has been strengthened by the appointment of a prominent museum specialist, Mrs B
Gordon, as curator from this month.
Mrs Gordon is currently curator of the Greytown Museum in Natal, vice-chairman of the Natal branch of the SA Museum Association and editor of its newsletter. She is well-known as a speaker on historical items.
Her appointment coincides with a renewed interest and planning in historical restoration work for Colesberg, and also with the announcement of future planning to develop the museum plain. Mrs Gordon will also be acting as a public -relations officer for the town council.
Long-term research to map the
development of frontier settlement in
the Upper Karoo and to learn how resident Karoo Bushmen coped with the
European frontier begins in the Colesberg this month.
The research will start with a
two-year project at an ash – heap
near Middelburg. “Its rich content of
china, glassware and metalwork is expected to yield a super-detailed
record of changes in the styles of European domestic utensils from the Upper
Karoo between AD 1860 and
1930,”said Professor Garth Sampson
of the University of Witwatersrand Archaeology Survey Unit.
The record of this research will be
used later ‘to help date the order of
, appearance, and abandonment, of
several hundred small frontier houses
ruins in the nearby Sneeuberg and
Seekoei River vallies, “Professor
Sampson said. The third- phase of the research is
to learn how Bushmen coped with the
European frontier. “Recent results show the Bushmen survived the impact of Dutch trekboer expansion into this area (about 1760), and persisted in patchy, fluctuating pockets between European stock farmers until at least the end
of the 1800’s and probably into the early twentieth century.” Professor Sampson added that the
research aimed to find out ‘ how the Bushmen organised themselves on the landscape during this stressful period and what became of them”.
He said only ten per cent of the several hundred small stone house ruins were recorded in the surveyor general’s office or other archival sources.
Meer as 200 mense het onlangs Colesberg se biblioteek besoek gedurende die biblioteekweek.
‘n Aantal uitstallings vir plaaslike kunstenaars, en ook ‘n wye groep aktiwiteite vir skoolkinders is gereel.
Die besoekers het mnr A.Steenkamp, Adjunk – Direkteur en Mnr J. Scholtz, Streeksbibliotekaris,
ingesluit. Daar was ook ‘n spesiale groep besoekers wat die besoekersboek nie kon teken nie ‘n groep
”Oumas”geteken deur ‘n Sub A-klas. en ‘n klomp troeteldiere geteken deur ‘n Sub B – klas. Die kunstenaars se uitstallings het ingesl uit: mev. Hilda J ooste (Suikerkuns), mev. Anneline Lourens
en Ria de Witt (Kerspitwerk), mev.Marietjie Behrens (Batikwerk en Pottebakkery), mev. Sariana Stolk (Borduurwerk), en houtwerk deur mnre Johan Barnard, Johnny Botha, Jannie du Plessis en Pastoor Watkins. ‘n Verskeidenheid naaldwerk is deur senior burgers gemaak – insluitend
mev L. Louw, mev H. Murray, mev N.Weideman en mev K. Myburgh. Miskien die gelukkigste besoeker
was Tinus van Wyk se Ouma, wat eerste Sub A – prys gewen het, en ook Lizelle van der Berg se Troeteldier wat Sub B eerste prys gewen het
Liezel Pienaar, a pupil at Colesberg
High school, has been recorded on
piano for the final adjudication in the
Prelude 90 music competition which
will be decided in Johannesburg and
awarded in Stellenbosch in July.
As a regional winner in her section
ofthe competition, Liezel travelled to
the recording session with the SABC in
Liezel said she had been playing the
piano since Sub B, and had been
assisted tremendously by her teacher
Mrs Aida Malherbe ofthe high school.
The pieces played for the recording
were; Schubert’s Cossain,
Buirgmlller’s Study in F, and Selin
Palmgren’s Prelude Nocturne.
Die Hoerskool se debatspan bestaande uit Jean Viljoen en Liesl Venter, het tussen die eerste vier geeindig in ‘n onlangse rondte van die Junior Rapportryers se streek
Rotstekeninge word gesoek
Inligting omtrent plekke met rotskuns in die Colesberg area word deur spesialiste van Kimberley gesoek. Mnr David Morris wat aan die hoof staan van die rotskunsnavorsing by die McGregormuseum in Kimberley, bet die Toverberg Indaba genader met ‘n versoek vir meer plaaslike besonderhede. ”Ons het ‘n beperkte aantal terreine met rotskuns op rekord: Longwood, Jagersfontein, Schaape Kraal en ‘n paar ander”, het hy gese. “Enige bykomende data sal baie waardevol wees.” Mnr Morris bet bygevoeg dat die plaaslike geskiedkundige vereniging van Kimberley dit oorweeg om in die toekoms ‘n uitstappie na Colesberg te reel. (Lesers met inligting oor rotskuns (hetsy verf- of graveerwerk) kan die Toverberg Indaba kontak.)
Time runs out for drought relief
Time is running out for farmers who wish to start to qualify for the new drought-relief subsidy scheme.
Forms for the scheme are available from the offices of the Colesberg magistrate. The new scheme, which aims at a ”pro-active” approach to drought relief, requires farmers to keep monthly records of their stock and to send details to the Department of Agriculture in Pretoria once every three months. The forthcoming dates of the local Farmers Union meetings are: August 8 (including a special demonstration on electrification of fences) and October 3 (including the Annual General Meeting as well as a presentation on pastures by Mr John Fair of the NWGA). The provisional Farmers Day for next year is April 24
Veranderinge in Landbouarbeid
Boere in die land sal moet kennis neem van ” ‘n vinnige verandering” in arbeidswetgewing, volgens die Oos Kaap Landbou Unie
Mnr Pieter Erasmus, wat die Unie in hierdie gebied verteenwoordig, se die
veranderinge in die wetgewing is ‘ten einde ‘n billike toekomstige bedeling in
arbeid in die landbou daar te stel. ”Die toestand van sake is egter besig
om vinnig te verander,” se mnr Erasmus. ‘Druk word uit vele oorde
ervaar om die anomalie, waarby die landbou uitgesluit is van
arbeidswetgewing, reg te stel. ”Die vraag ontstaan nou waarom
ons nie die landbou se unieke aard akkommodeer, alle wette aanpas en dit
van toepassing op die landbou maak nie,” se Mnr Erasmus.
Residents Identify Projects...
Six projects for development have
been identified by the Colesberg
residents Screening Committee at a
meeting held at Kuyasa recently.
- Creche: “there is an official-run
creche which does not cater for the
people in the community because of
its high fees which are R6.00 per
child per month”. - Pre-school: “there is at present no
pre-school at all in the black community of Colesberg”. - Self Help Scheme: “Colesberg is
characterised by a very high rate of
unemployment and therefore it was
felt that a project should be set up
that would offer training and skills
in certain trades such as plumbing,
sewing, carpentry and woodwork” - Bursary Scheme: ‘the majority of
the women are either unemployed or
employed as domestic workers and
therefore find themselves in a
difficult position when it comes to
educating their children, and in that
regard it was felt that a bursary
should be set up”. - Mentally and Physically Handicapped Children: “an institution
should be set up for the mentally and
physically handicapped children who
are at present insolated and
neglected”. - Old-aged home: “Because of few
industries the young generation are
forced to leave Colesberg and seek
jobs in the cities leaving their old
and sometimes ailing parents with no
one to look after them, and therefore it was felt that an old age home is
'n Katolieke Vrouebond is onlangs in Colesberg gestig. Voorsitter is Mev Snyers en Tesourier is mev D Greathead.
Continued on page 2
The chairman of the Lowryville management committee, Mr H. Pennels, said that he was still debating the option of resigning again from his committee. ‘Die stelsel maak omtrent niks… ons vorder nie… dit lyk soos ‘n mors van tyd”, he said. Another leading member of the committee described the present setup as a “farce”. He added, “Dit is ‘n vernedering, die komitee behaal net mooi niks, en is meestal rots maar vas”
Change in style and spread of party political activity has arrived in Colesberg as a result of the flux and flow in national politics throughout the country.
The single most noticeable change
has been the start in re-organization of
a branch of the African National Congress (ANC) here – something which
has not been possible for close to thirty years.
The more settled parties, the National, Democratic, Conservative and Labour parties, are anything but settled at this stage, because of the political developments. Local activity seems to be subdued. Most noticeable of all local activity
at this stage appears to centre on the ANC. Residents say foundation work for a branch is well underway. T-shirts, badges and colours of the ANC are now a daily sight in the town.
‘The ANC came as a mouthpiece of the voiceless and the first nearby branch was opened at Cradock last month,” a member said. ”Other towns, including Colesberg, are now following.”Two other recently-formed organisations, both with strong political sympathies, have recently been establishedin Colesberg. The South-African Youth Congress (SAYCO) has a branch in Colesberg which is ”busy adopting the SAYCO consitution,” an interim committee member said. The other newly-formed body is the National Education Union of South Africa (NEUSA), initiated by some teachers in the town. (It is hoped that the Toverberg Indaba will be able to carry other short items of news from any of the range of political parties in future editions)
Nuus uit die stadsraad
Nuus uit Colesberg stadsraad, sluit
- Uiteindelik sal alle strate geteer wees. Die raad het in aanvang geneem met die teer van 7 ,5 km ongeteerde
strate. ”Earl Haig en Bellstrate is geteer, maar moes ons ongelukkig weens die koue eers staak,” sê die raad. - ‘n Aantal woonerwe is nou beskikbaar grensend aan Torenbergstraat.
- Daar is ‘n groot verhoging in waterverbruik sedert die Oranjerivierwater aanvullend tot die dorp se boorgate vir die dorp verbruik.
- Die raad vra omverskoning vir die ongerief oor die padwerke, en is ”dankbaar om die verbetering in die verfraaiing van die dorp se tuine te merk.”
- ”Graag doen ons ‘n beroep op elke inwoner om saam te werk om ons dorp ‘n mooi dorp vir ons inwoners en toeriste te help maak,” se die Burgemeester, mev Stephanie van der Berg.
Minder pad geld
Provinsiale fondse vir paaie is met R70 000 besnoei volgens die plaaslike verteenwoordiger van die Bo-Karoo Streekdiensteraad, mev Stephanie van der Berg.
Mev van der Berg het bygevoeg dat die korting in fondse relatief klein is. Dit lyk nie of daar ‘n vertraaging van die werk op paaie sal wees nie,” het sy gesê.
First Local Advertiser
When Mr and Mrs Craig Meyer heard of plans for the Toverberg Indaba they decided to place an on-the spot advertisement with us.
This advertisement from the Meyers is described as a ‘Large Smalls”: it Costs R30. Here it is:
This advertisement, for our print order of 5 000 will cost the Meyers R0,01 cents per buyer, and even less per readers. And, that is why ”advertising pays.’ Advertisers can take up full-page, half-page, quarter-page; and other variations or, they can take Large Smalls, Small Smalls, and Mini adverts. A Mini is 10 x 60 mm and will cost you R10. (contact Toverberg [ndaba P.O. Colesberg or telephone 2613)
Twis oor rugbyveld
n Interskole rugby-uitstappie van Lowryville Skool na die Middelburg
Van Der Merwe Gedenkskool het onaard in ‘n gewelddgdige twis tussen
volwassenes oor nasionale sport organisasies.
”’n Bitter nasmaak het op die rugbyterrein geheers,” het ‘n onderwyser van Lowryville gese. ”Dit 1steleurstellend dat mense wat in belang
van sport moet optree, die genot daarvan van die kinders ontneem.” Daar word berig dat die skoolkinders, insluitende spelers van Lowryville, ingetrek is by die twis oor die gebruik van die veld tussen volwassenes van die medingende sportorganisasies, SARU en Federasie. As gevolg van die argumente is sommige
kinders met geweld verhoed om voort te gaan met hulle spel, en selfs van die
veld af gejaag deur volwassenes wat stukke draad rondgeswaai het. Die
geskil kan nou moontlik in ‘n regsgeding ontwikkel.
Ontwikkeling in dorp
Groen sinkplaat dakke, privaat tuine en motor afdakke is deel van ‘n beoogde meenthuis-ontwikkeling vir Campbell Straat in die dorp.
Volgends die stadsraad is 20 wooneenhede beplan. Ses van hierdie sal twee slaapkamers he, maar kan ook
drie slaapkamers kry. Veertien eenhede sal drie slaapkamers he. Elke eenheid
sal ook bestaan uit ‘n sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, twee badkamers en ‘n motorhuis met ‘n afdak.
Umnyazi Omtsha
lqela lebhola ekhatywayo elathi laba
lelinye lamaqela okuqala ukusekwa e
Kuyasa, Colesberg ebelikade lisokola
ukum iminyaka engaphezulu
kwesibini liye latshintsha igama.
lqela elaziwa ngokuba yi – Blackpool F.C elalikade lisaziwa ngokuba yiManchester United F.C liye lathi kumdlalo walo wokuqala litshintshe igama ladlala ntanganye neqela le Vultures F.C kwinyanga ephelileyo. Oku kudizwe zizithethi ze Blackpool. Eli qela lizibonakalisile ukuba lingaba kuluhlu lamaqela anobungozi ngexesha beliclala ngalo.
Izikhulu ze Blackpool zithabathekile yinkqubela ethe yenzeka kwaye zincoma umgangatho oxhame ngawo zisithi azizange zilibone eliqela likwimo ekulo kwasekusun,ulweni kwalo
Die plaaslike rugbyklub het tans ‘n reeks ongelukkige gebeurtenisse deurleef toe die Colesberg jaarlikse rugby -dag deur laat onttrekkings van gaste ontwrig is.
‘Ons is baie teleurgestel oor die onttrekkings, ‘ s Mnr Pieter de Jongh, President van die klub. Goedemoed, Aliwal Noord en Cradock Rovers het almal op verskeie stadiums ( meestal
baie laat ) onttrek. Dit was net Middelburg Polisie, Noupoort en Colesberg wat naderhand opgedaag het. ‘n Poging om sewe- man rugby spanne te maak het nie uitgewerk nie. Op die ou ent, was daar een aantreklike wedstryd tussen Middelburg Polisie en ‘n Colesberg – Noupoort span. Die polisie het I5- 14 gewen.
Karoo Club
Eight different sports featuring players from five far apart places in the country, were the focus of the seventh Colesberg Karoo Club gathering.
One of the guests was former rugby springbok, Thys Burger. Participants came from Bellville, East London, Worcester, Witbank and local areas.
Skool sport prestasies
Gerhard du Plessis, ‘n leerling van die Hoerskool Colesberg, is gekies vir die Suid -Afrikaanse Skole-atletiekspan. Hy sal aan die diskusgooi deelneem.
Sy spanmaat Dercksen Olivier het oak goed gevaar deurdat hy ‘n vierde plek verower het in die Skole Nasionale
Vyfkamp bestaan uit hardloop-,spring- en gooinommers. Beide hierdie leerlinge is voorheen vir die Oostelike Provinsie Skole – atletiek gekies Vier rugbyspelers het die Karoo -skolespan gehaal: Dercksen Olivier, Ivan Norval, Gerhard du Plessis en Vorster Venter. ‘n Verdere eer het Gerhard te beurt geval – hy is vir die Noordoos Kaap-rugbyproewe gekies. Nog ‘n sportprestasie is deur Geraldine Vermaak met haar netbalspel behaal. Sy is gekies as ‘n Karoospan-speler.
A Colesberg soccer side from Kuyasa was recently all geared up for the match of the month at Middelburg against a Middelburg side – but on arrival were ruled off-side by youthful referees and marshalled to toyi-toyi In the street of the town instead. They apparently had no option but to forgo the soccer for the dance procession.
Drie van Colesberg se inwoners het aan die pas afgelope Comrades marathon tussen Durban en Pietermaritzburg deelgeneem. Beide mev. Estelle Knoessen en Gavin Rous het bronsmedaljes ontvang. (‘n Bronsmedalje beteken dat die
marathon in minder as 11 uur voltooi is)
Andre Pienaar moes ongelukkig die stryd teen Polly Short (die laaste kwaai opdraend) gewonne gee. Sy vrou, Anya, het egter reeds begin oefen om volgende jaar saam met hom hierdie moordende marathon van 87 km aan te pak.
Golfspelers Wen
Colesberg se golfklub bet oor die nabygelee plaaslike klubs van Middelburg en Noupoort geseevier deur die jaarlikse skildkompetisie te wen. Dit is ‘n tradisionele driehoekige stryd: volgens ‘n plaaslike golfspeler, mnr. de Wit, word hierdie wedstryd sedert 1910 gespeel.
Die plaaslike span het uit Stefaan de Wit, M.J. Venter, Charlie van den Heever. Leon Gerber, Kenneth de Reuck, Dries Lubbe, Manie du Plessis en D. Olivier
Endurance Team
Six riders from Colesberg have qualified for the 200 km national endurance ride at Fauresmith early this month.
They are: Robin Rous, Shelley Thompson, Irene Greathead, Trevor Rous, Lyn Rous and Gavin Rous. The 80 km endurance ride in April fielded 59 riders including 10 juniors, the most ever.