Another riff from the waenhuis, while ducking the bats and listening to the owls’ songs, is my affection for the work of the respected academic Roger Southall.
Among others, I remember his kind words on the passing of my close friend (and sort-of-protégé) John Daniel at a memorial at the University of the Witwatersrand, together with Thuli Madonsela (now at Stellenbosch University), and my brave friend Duncan Innes (who also spoke movingly, from a sort of wheelchair, about his rugby days).
For an obituary by Roger Southall in Strategic Review for Southern Africa, click here.
For an obituary in The Guardian by John’s brother Philip, click here.
Roger and Collette Schulz-Herzenberg have edited a new book called Election 2024, South Africa: Countdown to Coalition (Jacana Media) in which they argue. among other things, that Jacob Zuma’s MK Party poses a major threat to South African democracy. For a summary on the excellent academic website The Conversation, click here.