UPON ONCE A TIME, AND PLACE, THIS PROJECT OF A MODEL FOR RURAL COMMUNICATIONS, glimpsed some light, in the darkness of a total onslaught of an on-off energy crisis.
As for modern technology, this aged enthusiast is only very slowly learning to operate internet websites, like many of his generation. This email communication series and backup is filling a generation-techno gap.
Meanwhile, multi-generation local hearsays on rural media, are on track, in this rural local government area, UMSOBOMVU – which we also wish to co-operate with, as with all state structures.
Already we have a self-styled web developer/designer and techno enthusiast Janco Piek, with his youthful independent ‘Colesberg Gateways’ Information web-site (please see also an extract on this reverse page I hope).
Also, the area now has an independent eParkeni creative writing site of Phakamisa Mayaba, which you can reach out to. Phakamisa writes from the heart of Kuyasa, Colesberg’s largest residential area today. (He has regular writings, and would be pleased to help others where he can).
This website is managed, by retiring farmer, retired teacher, retired journo, Maeder Osler, in his new independent web-site, Toverview.